This page provides an overview of the grant program. To access the application, use the link at the bottom of the page to set up a free account.
Season Grant Overview
       The Season Grant program supports the operations and programs of nonprofit arts organizations to provide a range of professional and amateur arts opportunities for the people of Durham. The Season Grant Criteria listed below define the qualities of a strong grant application. The panel will also consider to what degree the full slate of recommended grant applications fulfills the intent of the grant program.
      We encourage nonprofit arts organizations to apply for operating support and to focus on building back capacity and infrastructure.
Who may apply? Non-profit organizations with arts as their core mission based in Durham County are eligible to apply. Applicant must be non-profit with 501(c)3 status or apply under a fiscal sponsor other than the Durham Arts Council. Arts nonprofits may request operating or project support. Nonprofit cultural/humanities organizations who are not arts organizations may apply for project support for an arts activity. DAC’s priority will be funding organizations with an arts-specific core mission.
If you are a new applicant you should review your application with Margaret DeMott, Director of Artist Services, ( before submitting your application. If you are new to grant writing we recommend that you consider the Durham Arts Catalyst Grant which is designed for applicants who are just starting to apply for grants.

An information session will be held on Zoom on February 11, 2025 at 6 pm. Email for the link. The session will also be recorded and posted on the DAC Season Grant web page.

       If you applied last year and would like to know your scores from last year’s review, you are also encouraged to email Margaret DeMott. All applications must be submitted through by 11:00 PM, April 7, 2025.

What activities are eligible? Arts nonprofits may request support for general operations or a project. We encourage arts nonprofits to request support that will help them strengthen capacity and infrastructure.

       Cultural/Humanities nonprofits may request support for an arts project. The activity must occur between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026. Season Grants are not awarded to fundraising activities/events.

FUNDING. The Season Grant Program is funded by the Durham Arts Council Annual Arts Fund and the Grassroots Program of the North Carolina Arts Council. In FY2026 organizations that receive Sustaining Support Grants or Project Grants from the NC Arts Council cannot also receive Grassroots funds.  Applicants who are considering applying for NC Arts Council Sustaining Support or Project Grants and the Durham Arts Council Season Grant should submit applications to both the North Carolina Arts Council and the Durham Arts Council.  If you have questions, email

What can I request? You may apply for cash and/or use of space in the Durham Arts Council building. Organizations with BIPOC leadership may request up to $10,000 in cash.  Leadership is defined as the combined staff and board.  Leadership is considered BIPOC when more than 50% of the staff and board are BIPOC. All other organizations may request up to $8,600 in cash. Space grants included ongoing use of office, meeting, rehearsal, exhibit and performance space and short term, project specific performances and meetings. The Durham Arts Council building is a 52,000 sq. ft., city owned, community arts center that contains spaces for dance, theater and music rehearsals, meeting rooms, offices, exhibit and performance spaces. An applicant may ask for use of these spaces for a particular project or for on-going operations. If you are interested in gallery space for a specific exhibit contact Margaret DeMott ( If you are interested in using the PSI Theatre you should apply through the Facility Grant.  There are fees associated with use of granted space in the building.

What is required of Season Grant Recipients? Each Season Grant recipient will:
       · Complete the Season Grant contract and submit to DAC with appropriate attachments.
       · Use the DAC and North Carolina Arts Council logos and grant acknowledgment line in all relevant publicity, including listing in print materials, email blasts, web pages, and news releases.
       · Pay user fees (if receiving a space grant).
       · Thank the state elected officials representing Durham for supporting state funding for the arts either in email or letter.
       · Attend or promote Arts Day depending on level of grant.
       · File final reports on the use of the grant by July 12, 2026.
Criteria for Evaluating Grant Applications (each application will receive a numeric score for each of the criteria ranging from 1 to 5; 1 being lowest, 5 being highest:
       · Artistic quality of proposed activities
       · Community impact of activities
       · Ability to plan and implement
       · Stability and fiscal responsibility of the organization
       · Goals for diversity, equity, access and inclusion and strategies for achieving those goals.

El Fondo de Recuperación de las Artes del Consejo de las Artes de Durham concede subvenciones a organizaciones, empresas y locales artísticos que han sufrido pérdidas financieras por cancelación de eventos debido a la COVID-19. Este fondo no concede subvenciones por pérdidas proyectadas. Las organizaciones solicitantes deben tener su sede en el condado de Durham y haber funcionado durante al menos tres años. Se considerarán solo las solicitudes completas. Si una solicitud está incompleta, el solicitante recibirá un mensaje de correo electrónico para darle la oportunidad de presentar una solicitud completa.

Las solicitudes se revisan por orden de recepción para determinar su elegibilidad, claridad e integridad. Las subvenciones se conceden según la necesidad del solicitante y la disponibilidad de fondos. También intentamos subvencionar organizaciones que representen la variedad y diversidad de nuestra comunidad. Las solicitudes serán revisadas por el personal del Consejo de las Artes de Durham, la junta directiva del Consejo de las Artes de Durham y el personal de otras organizaciones de servicios artísticos de Durham.

¿Preguntas? Escríbale a Margaret DeMott a

El Fondo de Recuperación de las Artes del Consejo de las Artes de Durham es apoyado por la fundación The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, la fundación Triangle Community Foundation, la Duke University, el fondo Manbites Dog Theater Fund y donantes individuales.

El Consejo de las Artes de Durham promueve y fomenta la excelencia en la creación, la experiencia y el apoyo de las artes para el enriquecimiento de toda nuestra comunidad. El Consejo de las Artes de Durham no discrimina contra ningún empleado o solicitante de empleo por motivos de raza, color, religión, sexo, origen nacional, afiliación política, creencia, edad o discapacidad.

El Fondo de Recuperación de las Artes del Consejo de las Artes de Durham concede subvenciones a artistas que han sufrido pérdidas financieras por cancelación de eventos debido a la COVID-19.

Los solicitantes deben vivir en el condado de Durham, ser mayores de 18 años, haber practicado su forma de arte durante al menos tres años y haber sufrido una pérdida documentada a causa de la COVID-19. Este fondo no concede subvenciones por pérdidas proyectadas. Se considerarán solo las solicitudes completas. Si una solicitud está incompleta, el solicitante recibirá un mensaje de correo electrónico para darle la oportunidad de presentar una solicitud completa.

Las solicitudes se revisan por orden de recepción a fin de determinar su elegibilidad, claridad e integridad. Las subvenciones se conceden según la necesidad del solicitante y la disponibilidad de fondos. También intentamos subvencionar artistas que representen la variedad y diversidad de nuestra comunidad. Las solicitudes serán revisadas por el personal del Consejo de las Artes de Durham, la junta directiva del Consejo de las Artes de Durham y el personal de otras organizaciones de servicios artísticos de Durham.

Hay otros fondos locales para artistas. La mayoría de estos servicios funcionan en el condado en el que se encuentran. El Fondo de Ayuda para las Artes de Carolina del Norte (NC Arts Relief Fund) atiende a artistas del condado de Wake y de condados que no tienen un fondo de emergencia local.

Fondo de Ayuda para Artistas NorthStar de Durham (NorthStar Durham Artist Relief Fund)

Fondo de Ayuda para las Artes de Carolina del Norte (NC Arts Relief Fund) 

Fondo de Ayuda para las Artes del Condado de Orange (Orange County Arts Relief Fund) 

Esfuerzo de Ayuda para Artistas y Trabajadores del Arte de Chatham (Chatham Artist and Arts-Worker Relief Effort)

Fondo de Ayuda de Emergencia para Artistas de Greensboro (Greensboro Artist Emergency Relief Fund)

Fondo de Resiliencia de Creativos de Mecklenberg (Mecklenberg Creatives Resiliency Fund)

¿Preguntas? Escríbale a Margaret DeMott a

El Fondo de Recuperación de las Artes del Consejo de las Artes de Durham es apoyado por la fundación The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, la fundación Triangle Community Foundation, la Duke University, el fondo Manbites Dog Theater Fund y donantes individuales.

El Consejo de las Artes de Durham promueve y fomenta la excelencia en la creación, la experiencia y el apoyo de las artes para el enriquecimiento de toda nuestra comunidad. El Consejo de las Artes de Durham no discrimina contra ningún empleado o solicitante de empleo por motivos de raza, color, religión, sexo, origen nacional, afiliación política, creencia, edad o discapacidad.

Who may apply:

Durham Arts Council Facility Grants provide short term use of the DAC building to support arts activities. Only non-profits incorporated as a 501(c)3 organization based in Durham County NC or  individual artists living in Durham are eligible to apply. If the project is being produced by an unincorporated group of artists an individual artist may apply on behalf of the group.   Applicants must be over the age of 18.  

What projects are eligible?

 Facility Grants support short term projects in all art forms.  Facility grants are the only avenue for granting use of the PSI Theatre.  Facility Grants will not be given to fundraising events. Facility Grants do not provide support for on-going operations and year round activities such as rehearsals, meetings and on-going programs.  For year round requests, apply to the Season Grant Program unless you are requesting use of the PSI Theatre.  Facility grants cannot be used to request gallery space for exhibits in the building. To apply for an exhibit you must participate in the annual Call for Artists. Contact or call 919-560-2719 for information about the Call for Artists. 

What may I ask for?

 Durham Arts Council manages a 52,000 sq. ft. public, community arts center that contains spaces for dance, theater and music rehearsals, meetings, workshops and performances. A Facility Grant may be used to request use of the facility with a total non-profit rental value of up to $1200 per fiscal year. Request value is calculated at the nonprofit arts & cultural rate rate posted on the DAC website:

Applicants will only be granted one facility grant per fiscal year (July 1 -June 30). Facility Grants are for rent only and do not include technical, maintenance or security fees incurred by the recipient. All Facility Grants require a User Fee payment by the recipient (See below in Item #2).  If you are awarded a grant you will receive a contract itemizing fees and grant credits, at which time you will be able to adjust your project if necessary.

NOTE: You cannot apply for space using a Facility Grant if you have already made the same request using a Durham Arts Council Season Grant. 

Please contact facility staff before or  during your application process to check availability of the building  and to calculate any additional facility costs. Availability of facility  space is not guaranteed until an event contract has been signed with  the facilities department.

Contact: or (919)560-2787

What are the criteria by which Durham Arts Council (DAC) evaluates applications? 

Criteria for evaluating applications are: Quality of Art or Arts Experience, Project Implementation and Impact of the Grant on the quality of the project. Facility Grants are dependent on scheduling restrictions and event compatibility. 


1. You may not apply if you have any outstanding bills or late grant reports due to DAC. 

2. If you are requesting use of the Peoples Security Insurance Theatre, please note that if you are approved for this grant we require payment of a non-refundable, non-transferable User Fee of $70 per performance day in the theatre. If you are applying to use any non performance space at DAC, we require payment of a non-refundable, non-transferable User Fee of $10 for each 4 hour use. This will be due with your signed contract. If you cancel your performance, rehearsal or meeting you lose this deposit. If using the Theatre, we will also require you to meet with the DAC Technical Director at least two weeks prior to event. 

3. Any time you occupy or enter Peoples Security Insurance Theatre, whether for performance, load-in, load-out, rehearsal or other reasons, DAC’s Technical Director must be present. Overtime rates may apply if your use requires more than 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week of the technician’s time. This grant does not cover technician fees.  See the DAC website for current rates:

4. Normal Durham Arts Council building activity hours are 9:00 AM-9:00 PM, Monday through Saturday and 1:00-6:00 PM on Sunday. Any access to the building before or after these hours must be requested ahead of time and will result in extra charges to you. 

5. Although use of tables, chairs and music stands can be included as part of the grant request, the recipient is responsible for setting them up and taking them down. 

6. Although we can usually provide a piano, it is provided with tuning “as is”. If you will require tuning beyond this level, DAC will schedule the tuning and bill you. 

7. Durham Arts Council reserves the right to require a security deposit depending on the type of activity and/or applicant’s previous credit history or lack of history. If you need further information about Durham Arts Council or have questions about this grant, contact the Office of Artist Services at 919-560-2720 or 560-2719. DAC reserves the right to request more information before making a decision about the award. You will generally receive notification in 6-8 weeks after due date. Please note that fees quoted in this document are current as of June 2016 and are subject to change without notice.

Durham Arts Council