Durham Culture & Arts - Invest to Restart's Arts and Cultural Organizations & Small Businesses Training Program Application

Once you have read this introduction go to the bottom of the page for a link to set up a free account and submit your application.  

Durham Culture & Arts - Invest to Restart is a program of the Durham Arts Council supported by the City of Durham American Rescue Plan funds. 

Durham Arts Council (DAC) will utilize $1 million in City of Durham ARPA funds to support the Durham arts and cultural community through programs of grant support and training to foster career skills and business capacity development. To be eligible, arts & culture nonprofit organizations, small businesses must be based in the City of Durham and provide documentation of consistent operation and financial loss due to COVID. 

Arts and cultural small businesses and nonprofit organizations may apply for a series of training workshops to rebuild and advance their business or organization. These trainings will be held virtually (unless otherwise noted) and be provided at no cost to approved applicants. Participation for approved applicants will be free. Additionally, a participation payment of at least $1,000 per training will be provided for up to 3 trainings for organizations or businesses that also received an ARPA-funded cash grant through the DAC or up to 5 trainings for organizations or businesses that did not receive an ARPA-funded cash grant through the DAC. BIPOC organizations or businesses will be eligible for up to 5 trainings and participation fees regardless of having received a cash grant. Total Participation Payments will range from $1,000 to $5,000 per organization or business, depending on eligibility. 

Descriptions of the June 2024 DEIA courses are available here for reference (https://durhamarts.org/deia/)

(Fall 2024 course offerings will be listed on our website as they are confirmed.)

               Durham Arts Council plans to award up to $285,000 in Training Session Participation Payments to participants from Durham’s arts and cultural sector. A diverse review panel made of content knowledge experts, community members, and organization or artists peers will review and approve applications for training, depending on level of economic loss experienced by the organization because of the pandemic, their expressed training needs to build organizational advancement and post-pandemic recovery and sustainability, and their ability to demonstrate sufficient capacity to comply with our reporting requirement. We anticipate providing training sessions throughout this calendar year and spring of 2025. All class attendance and related reporting requirements must be completed by mid-year of 2025, as all reviews, approvals, and distribution of participation payments must be completed by the end of 2025.

Durham Arts Council strives to distribute grant funding to support and equitably represent the Durham community that we serve. Durham’s population is 57% BIPOC and 43% White. Durham Arts Council encourages BIPOC applicants to apply and reach out if assistance with the application process is needed. DAC is partnering with St. Joseph's Historic Foundation/Hayti Heritage Center to reach and support BIPOC applicants.

Verification of registration and attendance at training sessions will be provided to Durham Arts Council by the contracted training organization/company. If an applicant is accepted into the program, participation payment(s) to the organization will be issued once attendance verification is received and the required impact report is completed and submitted to Durham Arts Council by the agreed upon date and approved.


The Durham Arts Council’s ARPA arts & culture funding is focused on these pillars:

  • Restart arts & cultural efforts, ensuring recovery post-pandemic
  • Provide positive arts and cultural experiences for Durham residents
  • Grow in attracting and increasing tourism
  • Thrive as a creative business
  • Employ and retain talent in the Durham workforce
  • Generate positive economic growth

Successful applications will incorporate or reference the spirit of these pillars in their responses.

The deadline for this round of applications is Thursday, July 25th. We invite you to share how your work or organization contributes to the vibrancy of Durham and enriches the lives of those who live, learn, work, and play here!

If your organization receives a training award:

  • All training sessions must be attended.
  • A final report will be required.
  • The participation payment will be available after relevant classes have been completed and final report(s) submitted.




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